Performance Marketing

Advantage+ Shopping campaigns on Facebook: operation, advantages and limitations

Taking advantage of advances in AI, Meta is gaining momentum by developing the Advantage+ Shopping campaign on Facebook.

Unsurprisingly, this ASC campaign comes just after the iOS14 update.

In addition, the tightening of privacy policies is reducing access to customer data, a very restrictive measure for marketing managers.

In 2022, Social Ads is regaining a good momentum with the introduction of the ASC Meta campaign.

Exceptional performances, sometimes with a cost per acquisition halved, the ASC seems like a bargain.

This Meta ad produces a powerful, automated and cookieless campaign with intelligent use of data.

This guide gives you a complete overview of an Advantage + Shopping Campaign, how it works, its advantages and its limitations.

Description of Advantage+ Shopping campaigns on Facebook Meta

Complementing the Meta Advantage Suite, the ASC brings advanced features to simplify the task of advertisers.

Driven by AI, the Advantage+ Shopping Campaign on Facebook allows automated and intelligent management of ads.

Thus, ASC is recommended for those who want to obtain better results for their Instagram and Facebook Shopping campaigns.

Entirely focused on automation, the Advantage+ Shopping Campaign Facebook ads can be managed almost by itself.

Machine learning learns from user shopping experiences and optimizes your investments on the most convertible audiences.

Artificial intelligence drives the entire process of creating a Meta Advantage Shopping campaign.

While the classic Advantage Shopping Meta focuses on a single specific aspect of a campaign, the ASC focuses on the details.

Concretely, AI defines the choice of audience, auction, destination, placement and advertising content. That means less time spent setting up and better audience targeting.

Moreover, Meta deploys up to 150 creative combinations to simplify the design and personalization of your ads.

It should also be noted that the ASC is perfectly aligned with needs of online shoppers.

Nearly 60% of them aspire to a shopping experience that is optimized according to their interests and preferences.

Meta breaks down your Advantage+ campaign budget by focusing on a specific audience.

With two birds with one stone, advertising management is simplified, the budget is optimized for a more efficient result.

How do I launch Shopping campaigns on Meta?

With a simplified configuration, a Advantage+ shopping campaign on Facebook is created in a few steps.

Meta Advantage Shopping includes all ad placements on social networks, especially for Instagram Shopping and Advantage Shopping Facebook.

Free to choose, the advertiser can carry out a manual campaign or take advantage of the advantages of an ASC campaign.

Before that, the first step is to open the ad manager in Meta Ads Manager.

Click on the “create” button and define the objective of the sales campaign. Note that an investment can help you:

  • Increase your traffic
  • Informing the public
  • Increase the engagement of your community
  • Generate leads
  • Promote an application
  • Make more sales

Once you have specified the objective of your Facebook ads campaign, select the option: Advantage Shopping+ Campaign.

Then, you will have to indicate the category, the place of conversion and choose the Facebook Pixel. Among the suggested options, choose the “Purchase” event.

Beyond these configurations, all the selections you make will constitute the basic parameters for the automated management of your campaign.

In addition, Meta collects information that will make it possible to:

  • Determining the target audience
  • Set the budget and schedule
  • Simplifying advertising creation

1- Locate the audience

To define your audience, you will be able to choose one or more countries and to select the excluded items.

Meta also allows you to add specific targets like visitors to your site or those who have made a purchase.

In doing so, the algorithm will have the Facebook Pixel and recent customer files as reference data.

This is why it is best to launch an Advantage+ campaign on an account that has been active for several months. We'll come back to that later!

2- Define the budget and the schedule

When setting up a campaign, you can Set a daily budget, define its start and end date.

From experience, it is more beneficial to Scaling a budget 4 times higher than the CPA.

For example, for a CPA of €15, setting a budget of around €60/day will be more appropriate.

You can also Define a budget ceiling for an acquisition, retargeting or loyalty campaign.

Generally, the parameter ofAllocation is fixed by the day or by the week. However, you have the freedom to determine how long your ads will last.

3-Add your Meta ads

Before completing this step, review your access management settings. By the way, you will need to indicate the payee and the payer.

We recommend that you immediately enter your identity if you are not the advertising manager.

Know that it is possible toadd one or more ads. Moreover, the most successful ASC campaigns are most often based on the ads that had the best ROI.

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The benefits of Shopping Advantage+ campaigns

Meta is fully committed to innovation and the Shopping Advantage+ Campaigns is clearly one of them.

By constantly learning about buying habits and customer experiences, its Algorithm has a strong ability to anticipate.

This is reflected in the automated process of an Advantage+ Shopping Campaign on Facebook and Instagram.

The agility provided by AI accelerates the achievement of sales goals. However, Meta shows that these results are accompanied by a reduction in the cost per acquisition of at least 12%.

Statistics also show that this campaign generates a satisfactory return in turnover with an ROAS of at least 15%.

Investing in Advantage+ Shopping campaigns also gives you the opportunity to Get your business off the ground with the least effort.

The time savings will allow you to focus on other aspects of your e-commerce business.

It will also be an opportunity to personalize your ads especially since the Advantage+ gives you 150 creative combinations!

The limits of ASC campaigns on Meta

In view of these advantages, it makes perfect sense to rethink your sales strategy by focusing on ASC to capture audiences on Facebook and Instagram.

However, knowing its merits, it is also important to measure the limits of an Advantage+ Shopping Campaign on Facebook.

Leaving the algorithm to decide on ad management alone is reduce all visibility on optimization of your campaigns. Advertisers will not have control over the placement of Ads.

The algorithm will decide where it will show your ad. What's more, you won't be able to add Only 8 ASC campaigns per account.

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The performance of Shopping Advantage+ campaigns

In addition to saving a lot of time, this campaign model would reduce CPA by up to 12%, according to a Facebook internal study announced at the launch of this advertising format.

Case studies have shown that certain sectors of activity benefit from a significant reduction that is even below 30% of the usual CPA.

However, the conditions must be “favorable” for AI to achieve this performance.

As mentioned earlier, an Advantage+ Shopping campaign on Facebook is a accelerator of your sales growth.

A certain volume of data is already needed on which AI will develop its learning.

That is why he is Recommended to start with a classic campaign before using the Advantage Shopping Plus option.

AI needs to aggregate a good amount of data on past sales to optimize your future ads.

How do you integrate Advantage Shopping+ (ASC) campaigns into your advertising strategy?

First, take stock of your current situation by evaluating the return on investment of your latest campaigns.

Note that launching an Advantage Shopping+ campaign can be effective for some brands.

On the other hand, the relevance of this choice may be unjustified in some cases. Hence the need for Conduct a balance sheet and to consult an expert on meta product advertising.

In all cases, depending on the specificities of your audience, it is necessary toidentify the ideal platform to promote your products.

Note that you can also test a Facebook Meta Advantage Shopping Campaign as well as the automated version of an Instagram Campaign.

However, if this seems relevant, it is possible to run both an Instagram and Facebook Advantage Shopping campaign.

Once the analysis is done, define your budget and your priorities, whether it is to gain traffic or increase your turnover.

This is how you will be able to align your advertising strategy with your Advantage+ Shopping Campaign on Facebook.

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Successful examples of ASC campaigns on Facebook

So is an Advantage+ Shopping campaign on Facebook worth testing? These numbers say a lot.

In addition, for the same e-commerce customer account, a An increase of 50% in ROAS is observed after the launch of an ASC.

We can also see a decrease of 12% or more, for all customers who have benefited from this campaign.

Between the classic option and the one assisted by AI, a car brand saw its CPA drop by 40%.


If you are thrilled with these numbers, it remains to define the most appropriate ad format for your Facebook Ads.

This ranges from image carousel to video tutorials presenting the benefits and application of a product.

However, think again, AI does not manage everything! This is an opportunity to deploy your emotional intelligence to build a captivating storytelling of your advertising messages.

Finally, we recommend that you scale your budget to more than €100/day to get better results.

Written by

Yann Tran

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